September 14, 2023 – Concerns over the potential health risks associated with smartphone radiation have resurfaced, with recent reports indicating that the iPhone 12 may exceed radiation limits set by the European Union (EU). This issue has prompted increased vigilance across Europe, particularly in countries like France, Germany, and Spain.
The French National Frequency Agency issued an official statement on September 12th, declaring that tests revealed electromagnetic radiation levels from Apple’s iPhone 12 that exceeded EU standards. Consequently, they have requested Apple to temporarily withdraw this model from the French market.

In response to these allegations, Apple has vehemently defended the safety of its iPhone 12, stating that it has received certifications from various international organizations and complies with global radiation standards. The tech giant may consider taking legal action to address the French agency’s demands.
The Federal Network Agency of Germany, known as Bundesnetzagentur, has also announced plans to review the decision made by the French regulatory body and has not ruled out the possibility of initiating similar legal proceedings.
The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) in Spain has joined the chorus of concern, urging regulatory authorities to halt the sale of iPhone 12 models in the country.
It’s worth noting that the relationship between mobile phone radiation and health risks has long been a topic of interest and scrutiny. While extensive research has been conducted over the past two decades to assess the potential health impacts of cellphone usage, the World Health Organization (WHO) currently maintains that there is no conclusive evidence suggesting adverse health effects from cellphone use.
This issue spans multiple countries and organizations, and it is likely to result in further research and legal actions as the controversy unfolds. The connection between mobile phone radiation and health remains a complex and contentious field, necessitating ongoing scientific inquiry and regulatory oversight.