Baidu Plans to Launch AI Chatbot Similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Baidu is set to launch a new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot service in China, similar to the popular ChatGPT. The chatbot is expected to become a highly anticipated product in China’s competitive chatbot market.

According to sources, Baidu plans to launch the ChatGPT-style application in March this year, initially integrating it into its main search service. The tool’s name has not yet been confirmed, but it will allow users to receive conversational search results similar to those of ChatGPT.

The yet-to-be-named tool will allow users to get conversation-style search results, just like the popular platform offered by OpenAI. This move by Baidu shows the company’s commitment to stay ahead in the AI technology race and compete with other tech giants in China and the United States.

OpenAI released its ChatGPT chatbot model in November 2022, driven by AI technology to provide a natural language processing tool. The aim of ChatGPT was to mimic human-like conversations based on the user’s prompts. With Baidu launching its own version of the popular chatbot model, the competition in the AI market is only set to intensify.

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