Cybersecurity Threat: 98% of Leading EU Firms Reported Hacker Intrusions and Data Leaks in the Past Year

December 30, 2024 – According to a recent report published by SecurityScorecard, third-party data breaches have emerged as one of the greatest cybersecurity threats facing businesses in the European Union. The security company’s latest research, which analyzed the top 100 companies in Europe, revealed that 98% of these organizations have suffered hacker attacks and experienced third-party data leaks over the past year.

In terms of specific industries, the security firm identified the transportation sector as the safest area, with hackers showing little interest in targeting such companies. Conversely, the energy industry was found to be the most vulnerable to hacker attacks.

The report further noted that companies in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, and Germany ranked highest in terms of security, while France lagged behind with the lowest score.

Ryan Sherstobitoff, Senior Vice President of Threat Research and Intelligence at SecurityScorecard, emphasized the importance of risk management as a top priority for all companies to prevent data breaches. This is particularly crucial in light of the upcoming implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

DORA, the latest regulatory bill from the European Union, aims to enhance the cybersecurity and operational resilience of financial institutions. The act requires banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and other relevant entities to strengthen their abilities to withstand hacker attacks and information leaks.

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