2024 Survey Reveals Americans Checking Phones 205 Times a Day, Up 42.3% From Last Year

December 30, 2024 – A recent survey conducted by Reviews.org has revealed that Americans check their phones an astonishing 205 times per day, which translates to approximately once every five minutes. This year, a typical American smartphone user will spend a total of two and a half months just looking at their phone.

In the previous year, Americans were found to check their phones 144 times daily. This signifies a 42.3% increase in phone checks compared to last year.

So, what are Americans doing when they pick up their phones every day?

According to the survey, 80.6% check their phones within 10 minutes of waking up, while 65.7% use their phones while using the restroom. Additionally, 53.7% have used their phones to text someone in the same room, 38.1% use or check their phones while on a date, and 27% do so while driving. Furthermore, 76% of respondents check their phones within 5 minutes of receiving a notification.

The survey also highlighted generational differences in smartphone usage. Z-Generation, those born between 1995 and 2010, spend the most time on their phones, averaging 6 hours and 18 minutes per day. They are followed by Millennials, who average 6 hours and 2 minutes of daily phone use. Generation X comes next with 4 hours and 54 minutes, while the Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation spend less time on their smartphones, averaging 3 hours and 18 minutes and 1 hour and 16 minutes, respectively.

Interestingly, although Millennials spend slightly less time on their phones than the Z-Generation, they are the quickest to check notifications and pick up their phones the most frequently, averaging 324 times a day. Additionally, 80% of Millennials report feeling anxious when they lose their phones, the highest percentage among all age groups. They are also the most likely generation to upgrade their devices.

The survey further revealed that 56% of Z-Generation and 55% of Millennials admit to having a smartphone addiction. However, despite the 42.3% increase in daily phone checks this year, the number of American smartphone users who claim to be addicted to their phones has decreased by 23% compared to last year. One suggested method for curbing smartphone addiction is to switch the phone’s display to grayscale mode, eliminating vibrant colors.

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