April 08, 2024 – Today, news broke that a Tesla founder’s edition of the Cybertruck, nicknamed the “Beast,” was auctioned off overseas.
The current bid for this unique vehicle has reached 242,000,equivalenttoapproximatelyRMB1,553,700.Remarkably,theofficiallistpricefortheCybertruckisonly100,000, meaning the current bidding price has surpassed the official price by $140,000, or approximately RMB 896,000.
In the past, the founder’s edition of the Cybertruck has fetched prices as high as 290,000(equivalenttoRMB2,080,000)inauctions,andtherehavebeenseveraltransactionsabove200,000.
Interestingly, not only individual buyers are interested in the Cybertruck. Both Porsche and Ford have purchased Cybertrucks for research purposes, paying 244,500and250,000 respectively.
Recently, Elon Musk stated that due to production capacity issues, potential buyers who place orders for the Cybertruck now will have to wait until 2025 to receive their vehicles.