Elon Musk Hits New High: Net Worth Surpasses 360Billion,Up130 Billion This Year

December 8, 2024 – According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as of December 6th local time, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and the world’s richest person, has amassed a net worth exceeding 360billion.Thisfigureplaceshim122 billion ahead of the second-richest individual, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and represents a staggering increase of $133.3 billion since the start of the year.

Tesla shares experienced a significant surge on Friday, rising by 5.34% to close at 389.22.Thisyear,thestockhasseenacumulativegainofapproximately571.22 trillion.

The soaring value of Tesla shares has propelled Musk’s personal wealth to reach a new milestone. As of Friday’s market close, his net worth was estimated to be approximately 362billion,markingaremarkableincreaseof133 billion since the beginning of the year. This figure places him roughly $122 billion ahead of Bezos on the list of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

It’s worth noting that on Thursday local time, Musk’s venture xAI successfully completed a funding round, raising a substantial 6billion.Thisfundinginitiative,whichhasbeenintheworksforseveralmonths,hasreportedlyvaluedxAIatover40 billion.

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