November 24, 2023 – In a groundbreaking move on November 10, V Corporation unveiled the Steam Deck, a gaming console equipped with an OLED display, proudly dubbed as the “first gaming console with HDR OLED.”
Recently, South Korean media outlet Chosun conducted an in-depth analysis of the OLED screen utilized in the Steam Deck gaming console. It was confirmed that Samsung and BOE (京东方) were the providers of the OLED screens, with Samsung’s screens dominating the majority share.
Earlier reports highlighted that the Steam Deck OLED version features a 7.4-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1280X800. The display boasts a refresh rate of 90Hz, a peak HDR brightness of 1000 nits, and a peak SDR brightness of 600 nits. Additionally, it supports a wide color gamut, displaying 110% of the DCI-P3 color space.