April 09, 2024 – On Monday, Tesla shares surged 4.9%, marking the biggest one-day gain since March 18. This upswing was triggered by Elon Musk’s announcement of the upcoming launch of robot taxis on August 8, boosting his net worth by 57.8billioninjustaweek,bringingittoatotalof186 billion.
As a result, Musk reclaimed the third spot on the global rich list from Mark Zuckerberg, overtaking him in a single weekend. Zuckerberg’s fortune took a hit as Meta’s stock price dipped 1.53% on Monday, causing his net worth to plummet by 27.7billionto184 billion.
The rivalry between these two magnates dates back to 2016 when a SpaceX rocket destroyed a Facebook satellite, quietly escalating tensions between them. Last year, Musk even challenged Zuckerberg to an MMA fight, further fueling their competition.
Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos holds the second position on the global rich list with a net worth of 207billion.TheleaderofthepackisBernardArnault,CEOofluxurygiantLVMH,withastaggeringnetworthof223 billion.