May 15, 2024 – Apple today issued a press release revealing that over the past four years, its App Store has successfully thwarted more than 7billioninpotentialfraudulenttransactions,withover1.8 billion worth of attempted frauds prevented in 2023 alone.
Between 2020 and 2023, Apple blocked over 14 million stolen credit cards and disallowed further transactions on more than 3.3 million compromised accounts.
According to Apple’s fourth Fraud Prevention Analysis Report, more than 1.7 million app submissions in 2023 were rejected due to non-compliance with the App Store’s stringent privacy, security, and content guidelines.
Furthermore, Apple’s relentless dedication to curbing fraudulent activities on the App Store has resulted in the suspension of nearly 374 million developer and consumer accounts, and the removal of approximately 152 million ratings and reviews suspected of being fraudulent.